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CNN Программа

Понедельник, 24.12.2018.

00:00 CNN Today
00:30 Winning Post
01:00 CNN Today (with World Sport)
02:00 CNN Today (with World Sport)
03:00 Erin Burnett OutFront
03:30 Inside Africa
04:00 Marketplace Africa
04:15 World Sport
04:30 Supercharged
05:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
06:00 African Voices
06:30 CNN Equestrian
07:00 CNN Newsroom
07:30 True Tokyo
08:00 The Challenge: Everest
08:30 The Challenge: Everest
09:00 The Challenge: Everest
09:30 Music That Makes a Difference
10:00 CNN Newsroom
10:30 Street Life Hanoi
11:00 CNN Newsroom
11:30 Supercharged
12:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
13:00 New Day
14:00 CNN Newsroom
14:30 World Sport
15:00 CNN Newsroom
15:30 Tokyo: Two Sides
16:00 I'm Dreaming of a Business Christmas
17:00 Connect the World
18:00 International Desk (with World Sport)
19:00 Quest Express
19:30 World Sport
19:45 Marketplace Africa
20:00 Amanpour
21:00 CNN Newsroom
21:30 Live Longer
22:00 Quest's World of Wonder
22:30 Quest's World of Wonder
23:00 The Lead with Jake Tapper
00:00 CNN Newsroom
00:30 World Sport
01:00 Amanpour
02:00 CNN Newsroom
02:30 World Sport
03:00 Destination India
03:30 Destination Hanoi